About the Journal

First appearing in January 1967, INSAF is the journal of the Malaysian Bar, which publishes case notes, book reviews, commentaries, legislation reports, articles and academic papers on legal topics related to Malaysian law and legal system as well as broader perspectives related to international law and legal issues.

After relaunching in 2022, INSAF is now a synergistic collaboration with the International Islamic University Malaysia ("IIUM"), where representatives from both the Malaysian Bar and IIUM are members of INSAF's Joint Editorial Board .

The Joint Editorial Board welcomes original and unpublished submissions of manuscript. Details for the format of submissions can be found at: bit.ly/INSAFauthors and submissions may be made via: bit.ly/insaf_2022.

The INSAF Joint Editorial Board reserves the sole right and discretion not to publish any manuscripts received, or if published, to edit them for space, clarity, and content. The views expressed in the articles or academic papers published are strictly the respective author's and do not represent the views of the Malaysian Bar, Bar Council or IIUM.